Nowadays, many individuals thought that exams are an unsuitable way of knowing the ability of a student, they suggested that there's should be a continuity assessment given.
essay agrees on the topic given. You cannot measure the knowledge of a person by giving an Linking Words
but by observing throughout the process of practicum and journey.
Use synonyms
, having a test is fine to assess the learning of a person. Linking Words
For example
, in my country, you cannot use your degree and have a license if you cannot pass the Linking Words
given by the national. Use synonyms
,with nurses, they studied for four years and they will be evaluated of all their learnings in two days of exams. Linking Words
, the students will study hard to pass the said exams but after finishing the test, some of them forgot all the things they studied, because they did that just to pass not for the future purpose. So, during the field of work,many didn't perform well.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, measuring one's knowledge by doing an Linking Words
is inappropriate of how to measure its performance. Practicality and practicum are one of the assessments that should be continued. Use synonyms
For instance
, a teacher, they cannot just rely on the book and the four years of schooling on how to deal with the students, but Linking Words
, when they are in the classroom, they could learn some ideas that they never learned during college days. Linking Words
, having a practicum is one way of measuring students performance.
In conclusion, measuring the learning of a person is not just based on an Linking Words
but Use synonyms
in practicality which can be assessed continually during the process.Linking Words