In some countries an increasingly number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It has been widely reported that the population of several nations is becoming sick due to the consumption of a great
Change the quantifier
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of industrialized aliments.
As a result
, taxing
type of
in a more severe way has been suggested as mandatory by some. I strongly agree with
statement, since it can tackle a major public problem provoked by a bad eating habit and
stimulate the population to have a healthier diet.
and foremost, the large number of people who are becoming ill due to an unhealthy diet became[LS1] a public health issue, which demands stricter actions from the statesmen. Medical researches have shown that the number of patients diagnosed with diseases related to bad eating habits is higher than ever before.
, considering the government has a moral responsibility to take care of its citizens, it is extremely fundamental that they apply a higher tax on fast
, it is widely known that junk
is generally more affordable than real
, which makes it more appealing to consumers.
, if the price of processed
were more expensive than healthy meals, people would think twice before eating the
one, which could ultimately lead to an improvement in their health conditions.
For instance
, if a salad were considerably cheaper than a hamburger, it is extremely probable that a person would choose to eat it
of the latter.
, an increase in the current tax rate of fast
would be a positive decision. In conclusion, it seems to me that implementing a heavier tax on junk
can make people try a healthier lifestyle and
address a public health issue caused by the high number of illnesses related to a bad diet.
Submitted by larissa.sepulveda19 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • public health
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • health outcomes
  • healthcare costs
  • consumer behavior
  • socio-economic backgrounds
  • ethical implications
  • public health campaigns
  • subsidies
  • regulations
  • nutritional content
  • healthier food options
  • government intervention
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