Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
 To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

It is considered by some that home misuse is not adequately recycled, they believe that the only method to increase recycling of
is by following power rules and regulations. In my opinion, I agree that authority laws and regulations are needed for society to recycle more of their
products. On the one hand, state law is the only way to put the population into the order of recycling their
component .
is because we live in consumer lives, in which family think that your hierarchy in society depends on the number of
discarded and the number of new households bought.
As a result
, they tend to discard old feature into a bin which later pollutes the environment in one way or the other.
, with union law guiding the amount of misuse discarded per household on a weekly or monthly ,basis
would reduce the number of
discarded and increased the level of component recycling .
On the other hand
, it is
considered that with government law guiding recycling of home
,it can
make the environment safer to live in for the people.
is because
would reduce the amount of littering
in society and make it a safe place.
As a result
, the community would breathe in fresh and not contaminated air and live a more healthy life.
For example
, many studies have shown that the major causes of air pollution are by disposing of
can be prevented by government laws protecting the surroundings and preventing inappropriate discard of
products. In conclusion, I believe that government rules are the best way to guide and make recycling mandatory for people rather than discarding it inappropriately which can be caused a health hazard.
Submitted by temitope.sabitu on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Waste management
  • Recycling
  • Sustainability
  • Mandatory
  • Voluntary
  • Legislative measures
  • Environmental impact
  • Public awareness
  • Regulation
  • Sanctions
  • Compliance
  • Recycling facilities
  • Consumer behavior
  • Waste reduction
  • Resource conservation
  • Circular economy
  • Eco-friendly
  • Biodegradable
  • Landfill
  • Global initiative
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