the issue of whether the money should be used justified has been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that there are so many ways to invest money
as help poor people, construct infrastructure or develop computers or so on. Linking Words
On the contrary
, others insist on the opinion that in the development of technology, people should open their knowledge by exploring the earth to promote human life. Viewing from a general perspective, I personally agree with the former opinion for the following reasons.
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To begin
with, the funds of the countries should be invested in by taking care of the inhabitants and environment because Linking Words
is the main factor which builds a nation. Linking Words
, citizens are the element of the foundation of the countries so if their life is great, the nation will be the development. Linking Words
For example
, using funds to help the homeless have a house and settle down, if people’s lives are stable Linking Words
the country will be stable. Linking Words
, building or repairing infrastructure makes the state look beautiful and clear because the outlook is traits to appreciate the development of the nation-states. Linking Words
For instance
, fixing the old building can substantially help the countries become more developed and prosperous. Linking Words
, make use of wealth on growing the public, bringing the country's economy and socializing expansion.
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On the other hand
, some of the population think that exploring space can help society predict everything before Linking Words
happens so that a human can prepare to confront or find the way to fix it Linking Words
as climate change or earthquake. Linking Words
, if the crowd spend a lot of cash on space exploration and do not care about society and habitat
In conclusion, it is not justified to invest money to investigate the galaxy while there are so many beneficial ways to use capital like making the nation better than by caring for people and reducing the environment.Linking Words