Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Nowadays, one of the most debated topics all around the world is whether it is a good idea to educate juveniles on parenting skills as a lecture. In my opinion, having a child blindfolded may pave the way for huge consequences both on
and toddlers,
, I reckon that
new education method has various advantages in terms of acknowledging pupils the family concept professionally at a very young age and diminishing family-related problems in the country.
, while depicting certain skills individuals need to know before having a baby, we should examine the significance of providing all the needs of children both emotionally and financially.
For instance
, most future
aren’t aware that juveniles need not only financial help from their keepers but
caring and eternal emotional support. A good parent is obliged to embrace these life-long liabilities willingly and always be by their sides.
In addition
, if we take a broader look at how-to-be-a-good-parent lectures, we can see many merits of the application readily. In 2013,
implementation was tried once in a pilot school in Norway before, both
and pupils had these lessons for 6 weeks and the results were promising. 65% of
claimed that they realized their wrong attitudes during raising their children and created a more peaceful environment at home at the end of the course as well as juveniles were filled with so much information about the family concept.
can lessen some problems related to family issues
as domestic violence in the country. To sum up, I opine that lecturing pupils about how to be a decent mother and father
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a very sound idea since it’s crucial to raise awareness among individuals about
, it may prevent family-based problems in society in the long run.
Submitted by haticecoza on

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