Along with globalization, environmental issues are becoming the major concern of
planet. Some people consider that the loss of individual species of flora and fauna is the main environmental problem in Linking Words
modern world but for others, environmental issues are harmful Linking Words
of human activities on the biophysical environment. In Use synonyms
essay, I will discuss both opinions and explain why I strongly support that there are several other issues that require immediate attention.
Survival of the fittest is nature’s way of ruthlessly allowing weaker specimens to die out, Linking Words
mankind has Linking Words
contributed to falling numbers of animals through hunting and poaching. Attempts to preserve rare and dying species are carried out in zoos or other specialist plant nursery, through the process of breeding programs, preservation and asexual plant propagation. There was genuine sadness among many, Linking Words
for example
, when the Linking Words
white rhino died in 2018. Linking Words
, the main focus of environmental protection is debatable as climate change and excessive use of plastic are two major problems that deserve our attention.
There is another group, including me, who believes that the Linking Words
of climate change have a more severe consequence. The primary one is the rising of sea level. Due to global warming, the low-level lands are flooding and gradually shrinking of the habitable area in many countries and island communities. Islands of Sunderban, Use synonyms
for instance
, are disappearing from the face of the earth. Another factor is ozone layer depletion. Linking Words
causes increased UV radiation levels at the earth’s surface, which has negative Linking Words
on human health. Skin cancer and immunity deficiency, Use synonyms
for example
, are the adverse Linking Words
of the same.
To conclude, there are definitely special and rare species of flora and fauna which are at the edge of extinction and Use synonyms
is a genuine concern in today's time. Linking Words
, in my opinion, there are certain concerns like depletion of the ozone layer and global warming, which if not addressed right away, there will be a little hope of a better future.Linking Words