Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

According to the idea of some part of the society is to educate young children separately in
depending on their gender provides more benefits. But the other part of the community has the opposite opinion.
, I agreed with the statement that young students should educate in a mixed school rather than sending them into two separate
since the most developed countries follow
strategy to build a well-mannered public. If you consider, having separate education centres for girls and boys there are some advantages
as the ability to streamline the curriculum system entirely based on gender. The school can focus on subjects which will be more useful for the girls for an instance, aesthetic, science and ladies sports while boys academies can be more focused on engineering subjects and sports for boys. In Sri Lanka, we could vigorously see
separation since the curriculum system has been taken into consideration as girls’ colleges and boys’ colleges. Not only that, there is a clear difference of subject areas that are been taught in those colleges.
, I enormously believe that the concept of having mixed
is optimal. Because it is not recommended to teach the subjects on a gender basis.
, separating the students at a too young age may lessen the opportunities to get to know better each other and how differs their behaviours.
As a result
, when they grow they may feel uncomfortable dealing with each other since it starts to see them as strangers which can potentially turn down the well-being of society.
, the most developed countries like Japan do not follow
detachment and the majority of the
are mixed ones. As a result, Japan has been able to maintain a psychologically rich society.
, in the conclusion, I would state both educational patterns have their own pros and cons.
, in my perception, I would prefer to have mixed
since it provides opportunities for both genders to learn well from each other and it obviously leads to a balanced and wealthy community.
Submitted by shehaniheshi2 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • co-education
  • gender segregation
  • peer pressure
  • academic performance
  • gender stereotypes
  • discrimination
  • social skills
  • teamwork
  • collaboration
  • diversity
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