Due to development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries many small local business are unable to compete. Some people thought that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree??

Shopping through grocery
in your locality has conventionally been considered quite safe and convenient.
, due to the emergence of
, the local
are under threat and are on the verge of shutting down. I strongly agree that the small and local
are losing market share as against the
and bigger
, resulting in local communities being in a dying state.
, as these
tend to offer deep discounts on various products, shoppers prefer to buy from them over local
. The flexibility of a local store to match the prices and offers with a bigger one is somewhat limited.
leads to immense savings for a household by purchasing most of the essentials cheaper.
For instance
, a recent study in Mumbai revealed that the annual saving on household expenses can be somewhere around twenty per cent by buying through newly opened hypermarkets. These savings can
be utilized by families in either their leisure activities or other discretionary expenses.
, there is a convenience element that determines the preference of
over local community shops.
the neighbourhood shops can deliver the items faster being situated closer to home, yet the convenience of buying everything under one roof encourages people to shop through
, these big-sized
have state-of-the-art technology
that is
enabling them to constantly improving customer engagement and implementing methods to make shopping easy and faster. To illustrate, Walmart and other similar supermarket chains have launched their applications which continuously provides the latest offers and other key information necessary to make an informed buying decision. To conclude, the local
are in disarray as they have limited resources to compete with big
which have deep pockets and technological advantage. The reduced dependence on local businesses will eventually lead to the death of local communities.
Submitted by krv.vaibhav on

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