In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

It is truly important for
to own their house in some part of the world.
prefer to purchase one
of leasing one, which brings security to their lives. I believe that to be a household is more and more necessary, especially in the post epidemic. There are a few main reasons behind
situation, which I think is positive.
To begin
get to realize that a safe, comfortable and reliable living space is crucial to a better quality of
than ever.
spend more time at home not only through the time of lockdown
will be used to keeping
lifestyle for a quite long period.
, they will expect a space which could fulfil the multi requirements more than ever,
as a result
, to own a home is conducive to creating themselves lifestyle freely.
For instance
, owning a property is a key growth agenda before marriage or having kids in China, which has been treated as a living standard traditionally. For
reason, renting gives less sense of safety and irresponsible live
On the other hand
, while it gains more financial freedom by long let, especially to the youth ,but you will not be able to own any assets at the end of the day.
, from a financial point of view, buying a property is an approach to accumulating personal or family's wealth, and it definitely is financial security. In the meantime, it makes for the motivation of a better career path to improve the income.
For example
, my sister bought her
flat at 26 years old, it went up eight times the price when she sold it 15 years later. Well managing the assets brings in revenue to her family, and generate more long term financial independence. Hardly can renting a home possess abundant ever-growing wealth. In conclusion, from the reasons that have been discussed above, it is vital to possess a property no matter due to the better quality live
or wealth growing in some countries. I totally support it as a positive situation that ensures
can own well planned and high-quality
, which can benefit freedom growth to a large extent.
Submitted by kakafeng081 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • ownership
  • renting
  • importance
  • sense of security
  • stability
  • financial investment
  • asset
  • customize
  • decorate
  • belonging
  • community
  • potential
  • future generations
  • long-term
  • cost advantage
  • control
  • living space
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