Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Many people hold conflicting views as to the question of the purpose of
education. In my opinion,
a study in universities can allow young adults to obtain better job qualifications, it is more beneficial for personal and social development. On one hand,
studies can help in building a strong profile to be qualified for excellent occupations. Nowadays, some companies
as the world's top 500 enterprises look for applicants with a
degree which is an added and competitive advantage during placements. Especially in the case of mass placements, if the
is relatively famous and prominent, the corporation will hire more than 50 graduates from the same institution.
, they are less likely to be unemployed than individuals who fail to get a diploma from college.
On the other hand
, there are multiple benefits for both individuals and
, universities gift
with a number of valuable professional persons. To be specific, recently doctors and scientists have done research day and night with an unwavering belief in finding effective vaccines for COVID-19. Engineers and architects craft and construct some buildings that can withstand natural diseases
as floods, typhoons and earthquakes. Obviously, these skilled people who graduate from universities bring a prosperous and bright prospect to
. In terms of personal growth, young adults become sociable, confident and college study enhances their all-around development. Students might learn how to socialize with their classmates and roommates from different places and countries, compared with high schools where friends from the same districts.
In addition
, they have a chance to organize inter-college events, educational trips and festivals which boost up their confidence.
, students may work on projects together, which cultivate the spirit of teamwork can provide practical experiences. In conclusion, It is important for students to opt for
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education. I would argue that college study opens people to better job opportunities but most importantly, it immensely aids in enhancing personal growth and creating a positively augmented
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