In some societies the number of crimes committed by teenagers is growing. What are the reasons for this trend? And what possible solutions could reduce this issue?

The crime rate has been increasing in the world for many years.
According to
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, teens have a higher rate of crime. Some citizens believe that the
are the reason for
others think that
thought is strongly wrong.
To begin
with, the amount of crime is increasing every day. Some experts found some reasons for
trend. The biggest reason is that
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their children, especially boys, wrong.
According to
statistics, the rate of rape committed in the world has increased significantly.
For instance
, there are a lot of people in Turkey who have committed rape and have not been in jail, and that's because of family misdirection.
That is
why in some countries the amount of crimes committed by teenagers is growing.
On the other hand
, some experts believe that there are many possible solutions. It is the major way is
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information to individuals who have children. Information seminars to be organized by the government make a good impact in
regard. Given an example,
learn how to raise children and how not to talk in front of them.
, it can be clearly said that the family has a very significant role in
To sum up
, there are crimes committed in every country and
is more common
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young people.
, there are solutions
as well as
causes. Some
support these solutions but others oppose it and here the most important job is with the government.
Submitted by aslinur.ozcan on

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To achieve a higher score in Task Achievement, provide a more balanced discussion of both reasons and solutions. Include multiple causes and solutions to provide a more comprehensive response.
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Improve Coherence and Cohesion by ensuring each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas more clearly.
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Provide more real-world, specific examples and data to support your points. This will make your argument stronger and more convincing.
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The essay includes an introduction and a conclusion, which is essential for good structure.
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You have addressed both the reasons for the increase in teenage crime and possible solutions, covering the main points of the essay question.
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