Nowadays, many
World countries are contributing to their touristry development. The tourist industry is considered the main tax revenue source of these areas. In my opinion, it is a positive trend for economic growth but it has negative effects on the habitat.
It has many reasons that tourism development has many benefits. Some less developed regions have sufficient unexploited natural resources like islands, jungles and mysterious wildlife habitats. Linking Words
, opening the gate of these rare magnificent natural places for visitors from all over the world is the most efficient approach to boost the country’s economy along with increase national GDP.
On the one hand, as a positive aspect that developing touristry can help less well-off societies increase their job opportunities. Most of the tourist centres and resorts need large workforces Linking Words
as tour guides, cooks and retailers. Linking Words
On the other hand
, more sightseeing visitors from all over the world promote the domestic income of businesses. Linking Words
For instance
, in some beautiful islands, the hotels and restaurants are highly in shortage in peak season like summer, it is reasonable that the businesses elevate the price of accommodations to reach a high level of income.
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, some negative influences cannot be avoided because of the fragile and vulnerable features of the less exploited surroundings in many resorts. The destruction of the natural environment could become more severe due to overdeveloped landscapes. Human activities Linking Words
as the construction and deforestation for developing tourist industries, the rising green gas emissions from visitors’ carbon footprints, bringing serious damage to the local ecosystem. Linking Words
As a result
, it might cause irreversible impact to these lands, Linking Words
harmful to long-term benefits.
To conclude, the expansion of touristry is a positive trend to boosting economic growth in developing countries. Linking Words
In addition
, the governments should have the awareness that does not overdevelop the natural environment in order to avoid negative results, protecting the precious national resources for long-term development.Linking Words