Tourism has increased so much over the last 50years that it is having a mainly negative impact on local inhabitants and the environment. However, others claim that it is good for the economy. Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of tourism and give your own opinion.

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In recent years, a lot of countries majorly relies on tourism as a major sector of the economy. Even though there are many benefits related to
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, there are too some drawbacks, which I believe do not outweigh the advantages if mitigated by the relevant authorities. In
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essay, I will discuss
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To begin
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with, domestic and international visits offer employment to thousands of people, either directly or indirectly. In most cases, most of the jobs are in the service industry like hotel and transport. The majority are employed in hotels and tour firms as chefs, drivers, and tour guides among others. Businesses
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thrive in regions where the tourists visit. Maasais,
for example
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, are able to sell their artefacts to visitors in Masai Mara national park.
In addition
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, the government is
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able to earn foreign exchange from foreigners who visit the country. Kenya,
for instance
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, relies heavily on US dollars,
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the country is able to cushion itself from inflation and maintains the value of the currency. Environmental pollution,
on the other hand
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, is one of the negative effects caused by leisure travel. Most visitors throw away waste products
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as plastic bags and bottles in areas they tour, without putting into consideration effects on the surrounding. They
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interfere with the natural habitat of wild animals. Culture clash too is experienced in regions that attract tourists because local residents may be affected by the dress code of outsiders visiting their neighbourhood. Taking an example of the same Masai community, the majority of them are still conservative and half-dressing may offend them. In my view, there are more social and economic benefits from tourism. The problems can be mitigated by relevant authorities. Aggressive educational campaigns,
for instance
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, can be carried out to promote ecotourism. If the government can take
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measures, it will be able to create thousands of jobs and promote economic growth. To summarize, the tourism sector contributes largely not only contribute to the growth of the economy but
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supports transport in most countries. Its negative effects can be controlled by putting in place proper mechanisms.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • negative impact
  • local inhabitants
  • economy
  • boosts
  • cultural exchange
  • preservation
  • restoration
  • environmental degradation
  • overcrowding
  • strain
  • infrastructure
  • cultural dilution
  • commercialized
  • economic dependence
  • sustainable tourism
  • mitigate
  • adverse effects
  • regulation
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