The advancement in technology has a beneficial impact on the agricultural sector.
nowadays maximum work can be done on the field with minimum effort, it is seen that humans across the globe are sleeping without having food. Linking Words
essay will discuss the root cause of the problem Linking Words
that is
mainly the absence of proper storage, as well as will provide a comprehensive solution including the commencement of efficient supply chain management.
Linking Words
, it is crucial that the crops are stored properly in places. Linking Words
, it should Linking Words
be kept in mind that these storing places are sustainable during natural calamities. Linking Words
For example
, in ,India most of the cultivation fields are beside the river. Linking Words
, the warehouses are made of mud & are Linking Words
located near them. Linking Words
, during the monsoon when there is a flood the raw materials that are in stores Linking Words
get wasted. Henceforth, it is essential that we strategize the ways on how to protect our commodities from disaster.
One possible solution can be the introduction of advanced management techniques to move the crops to a safer place as soon as they are plucked ,Linking Words
make the process robust. Correct pronoun usage
which will
For instance
, there is a well-known company,who is advising some of their clients to eradicate the process of midway storage. They are suggesting the crops should be immediately sold to the respective whole sellers and should be transported to the respective concrete markets. Linking Words
, it will facilitate lesser wastage.
To conclude, science is helping us to modernize the process of growing vegetables and other things. Henceforth, we should take utmost care of the agricultural byproducts. Linking Words
essay discussed the main challenge of damage is not having a proper godown and Linking Words
suggested the way out to be pragmatic distribution.Linking Words