Computers and A.I. technology are increasingly being used for online education. Can artificial intelligence enhance the learning experience? Is this a positive or negative development?

Artificial intelligence(AI) and smart devices are exploited in online teaching. The writer assumes that the birth of AI reduces the need to search for information on unknown websites and adult supervision. It must be understood how computers compacting with AI can ease the requirement to find accurate information.
That is
because AI has a machine-learning system which aids it find reliable sources and
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true facts and knowledge within the pages in the blink of an eye.
As a consequence
, people search for acquaintances in an efficient way.
For instance
, the born of Chatgpt, a developed AI, has been reported to decrease 20% the amount of time to seek data
as well as
provide totally precise figures. When it comes to AI, there is little doubt that it prompts students to learn without control.
In other words
, it gives automatic restrictions on what students can access on their internet by establishing a lock that can be only opened by parents and supervisors, say teachers.
, the students could have very useful
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for studying in one AI program and orientate their learning progress without struggle.
, it creates space for self-study
along with
relieving the stress of being observed by adults. Take Vietnam as a great example, a survey found that parents who have their children’s computers consisting of AI have said that it is not worth supervising their children's learning methods. In conclusion, AI and smart applications resolve the problems of looking for statistics.
, they pave the way for expanding the pupils’ space for autodidactic by cutting the management of grown people.

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coherence cohesion
It's important to use a wider variety of linking words to guide the reader through your essay more smoothly and articulate the relationships between your ideas more clearly.
task achievement
To further enrich your essay, consider developing your examples with more specific details. This will make your arguments more convincing and engaging.
task achievement
Consider adopting a more balanced approach by discussing both sides of the issue or incorporating potential challenges of AI in education. This would provide a more comprehensive view.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction successfully establishes the topic and outlines the main points to be discussed, which provides a clear roadmap for the reader.
task achievement
The use of an example (ChatGPT) to support your argument adds credibility and interest to your essay.

Your opinion

Don’t put your opinion unless you are asked to give it.

If the question asks what you think, you MUST give your opinion to get a good score.

Don’t leave your opinion until the conclusion.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • innovative platforms
  • customized learning
  • adaptability
  • efficiency
  • lifelong learning
  • automation
  • feedback mechanisms
  • educational resources
  • remote accessibility
  • critical thinking
  • emotional development
  • over-reliance
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