Government should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

It is often argued that governments need to fund the railway tracks than
. I totally disagree that railways need more funding than motorways. One of the reasons why I think that
should be funded more than train tracks is that
are very essential in the society as it serves as a means of transportation of food from one place to the other. When the expressway is built properly due to proper funding, transportation of agricultural products from one part of the country to another becomes easy.
As a result
, there is the availability of food.
For example
, in recent times the transporters in the northern part of Nigeria refused to transport tomatoes, pepper and onions to the south because of the bad
, these items became scarce and the available ones were sold at outrageous prices. Another reason why I believe that the government should spend more costs on road projects is that there will be minimal hazards on the highway.
trains are used to carry heavy objects, we cannot ignore the fact that individuals travel more in cars and commercial buses. When the road is good without potholes, the rate of accidents is reduced.
For instance
, the Warri to Lagos route had a very bad spot where casualties occurred almost every day. The road was repaired and since
only a few accidents have been recorded on that expressway. In conclusion,
railways are important in society for transporting heavy objects and people, I believe that government should spend more money on roadways rather than trains because of food security and
to reduce the rates of accidents in society.
Submitted by Emmanuelodachi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainability
  • environmental footprint
  • efficiency
  • pollution
  • cost-effectiveness
  • economic development
  • accessibility
  • public transportation
  • congestion
  • air pollution
  • initial investment
  • maintenance
  • upgrades
  • rural
  • urban
  • last-mile connectivity
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