Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's life. Others think that adult life brings more happiness despite greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Happiness is an emotional state in which it does characterize the feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment. Nowadays, some individuals think that minor age is the pleasure time of
, while others believe that mature age is more enjoyable than commitments. I will discuss both views along with my opinion and try to draw some conclusions.
, young age is far too comfortable for kids to make mistakes and
learn from those. So,
for example
, children go to school every day, and if they are not brilliant students, teachers help them catch up on their work.
In other words
, in child
, kids do not face any kind of burden that keeps them away from duties and live their lives with enjoyment.
, in my opinion, adolescence is the best time to make memorable memories that would support a person to feel happy in adulthood.
, the vast majority of people argue that there are no doubt ups and downs comes at every stage of
according to the situation. Still, at the level of maturity, humans try to enjoy sorrows or happiness—
for instance
, a growing number of people believe that
teaches the way to live as they are grown-up, and folks can decide the journey of
with more freedom.
, economic freedom is one of the most significant things that helps them not ask for pocket money from parents. To sum up,
every stage of
has its ability, even it could be younger or older.
, a human being should take advantage of every circumstance because it would not always be a bowl of cherries. Personally, I believe that parents encourage infants more to enjoy childhood because that time never comes back.
Submitted by Jennybhullar1 on

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