Opinion In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. what is your opinion about this? give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Teenage is a range of years which decides whether anyone become a well-behaved person or not.
That is
why a country like the US that has limited cultural restrictions puts some effort to protect the young generation by putting curfew and allowing them to travel only with an adult after a certain time at midnight. I think it is a good rule because it will be a good lesson to some parents that crucify their children as to boost sociality and it can be reduced the number of youths getting addicted to bad habits. On the one hand, according to some parents, it is considered, letting their child go out with friends, taking part in
parties, and clubbing are the facts that help to improve their social status. They prefer to keep their children on top of society by doing
kinds of silly things.
For instance
, whenever some mother got a chance to participate her daughter to a birthday party, she buys one of the most expensive outfits on behalf of her daughter and trying to make her predominant in the party. In my perspective, it could be the beginning of a chain of problems to parents as well as to that poor girl.
That is
why I think, it is better to have some restrictions on teenagers at
On the other hand
, some compeers are planning so many cliques at
because of various, useless, and meaningless events. These types of things can lead to many different problems.
For example
, if one girl used to meet her friends every
, she will be bored doing the same things every day and tend to addict to many bad habits in order to consortium with so many gangs.
it will be better to have a curfew at
and not allowing youngsters to travel without an adult at late
. To sum up, it is clear that why a less traditional country like the US imposing curfew after a particular time at
and make them accompanied by adults.
Submitted by sandhb89 on

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