Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. State your own opinion in about 300 words. Give illustrations and examples

A number of people advocate the widespread dissemination of
in scientific studies, enterprises and academia. Others,
, claim the contrary, stating that data is so invaluable and worthwhile that it cannot be shared publicly. From my perspective, I voice approval of the former, in that I believe the act of making
known to humanity would do wonders for global development in the long term. In the
place, it is undeniable that the core value of
lies in its practicality and utility, rather than the financial potentials of its owner.
In other words
proves its worth by the extent to which it could contribute to humankind, to which it would benefit people, which are
the reason why books are published.
, it would be irrational if ideas are kept secret, which could risk becoming nothing but valueless.
For instance
, most great inventors and scientists in the past era passed down their wisdom and understanding to their predecessors through their research results,
revolutionizing the world. Had it not been for their handing down precious
, we humans would not be able to make
accomplishments as we do today. What is more, in a world against plagiarism,
should not be feared to be imitated as grey matter's illegal steal would be harshly condemned and deprecated.
means ideas could be spread open as long as their possessors are given credit. In reality, copyright law is being strictly regulated than ever in several fields, ensuring the profits of the proprietors.
For example
, on Youtube, should content creators happen to use someone's brainchildren without his or her permission, they are highly likely to be banned from producing any
videos if being reported. Not only Youtube but other social networking sites are endeavouring to crack down on plagiarism. All things considered, it would do more good than harm to disseminate
to the public for the sake of humankind's development, as unofficial reproduction would be penalized.
, I am supportive of the former statement, believing that
is defined by its applicability.
Submitted by HongPhuc on

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