Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with this view?

Many individuals suppose that pushing public assets into the art sector is hard of any importance. Since there are many problems attacking the society, one could agree that the ministry needs to focus more on these challenges
, I believe the government still has a role to play in preserving the arts and culture of the people.
, People want the most pressing matters addressed and may overlook the long term effects of neglecting the creative industry so for many states, especially the developing countries,
is somewhat common.
For instance
, in Nigeria, due to the high unemployment and insecurity rate, many activists criticize the federal administration for not tackling these issues and
focusing on developmental changes in the arts. Others have chastised the state whenever new craft houses and museums have been built as
establishments are not paramount to them. In some states, these buildings have been destroyed by rioters and protesters.
, preserving the artistry and culture of any nation is essential. It lets citizens know their roots as well as appreciate their history. Building artistic structures and monuments and promoting creativity among the masses
boosts the tourism industry.
For example
, in Barbados, art exhibitions dating back hundreds of years can be found at specific locations and fees are paid to view these structures.
In addition
, a lot of tourists are willing to pay huge amounts for rare art products and the money generated can be channelled back into the public sector
, lessening the financial burden on the government and creating job opportunities. In conclusion, more attention and resources need to be channelled into community challenges like unemployment, crime, hunger, etc.
, the artistic field must not be forgotten as it could raise capital for addressing other pressing issues in any nation. The allocation of funds needs to be balanced out so as to address all the societal needs.
Submitted by hildailona on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • enriching society
  • promoting cultural understanding
  • development of talent
  • creative industries
  • economic benefits
  • generate revenue
  • cultural heritage
  • identity
  • prioritize spending
  • needs of the majority
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