You are going to another country to study. you would like to do a part-time job while you are studying , so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help. write a letter to this friend. give details of your study plans explain why you want to get a part time job suggest how your friend could help you to find a job

Dear Anna, Hope you and your family are doing amazing. I am really excited to tell you that I got an offer letter from my dream university in Australia.
letter is being written to seek your kind assistance in finding a suitable part-time for me. As you must know that I was waiting for
opportunity for a very long time ,
I got admission to the Master degree programme in dentistry at Griffith University Brisbane.According to the schedule, I will have to complete twenty hours of study per week.
the study time, I am going to have enough time to do some part-time jobs. In fact, I really want to get the job because it's my responsibility to take care of my daily expenses
as home rent, grocery shopping. As you have already lived there for the
five years.
, you have a good knowledge of finding a job for me. Being from similar medical backgrounds , you have complete knowledge of my profession like which part-time job would be best for me. I really appreciate your help. Convey my regards to your parents. Yours lovingly, Manvir
Submitted by Manvir kaur bhatti on

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