Cycling is a healthier and more environmentally friendly form of transport. Nevertheless, cycling is getting less popular. What are the reasons for this trend? What can be done to make cycling more popular?

More and more
are increasingly using cars to travel, even though cycling is friendly to the environment and health. Safety is the most important reason for less cycling.
essay will elucidate the reason for
trend with the solution to tackle
issue and the following examples will be provided to support my point of view.
To begin
with, the most important reason is that there is less security to cycling on the track, having said
because more and more
are likely to break the law
as a result
street safety is reduced for cyclists.
For example
, according to the latest survey conducted by Bangkok University, it has been revealed that 80% of
who are living in urban areas choose to use the car or other public transport
as buses, train because they are concerned about road safety which makes them feel less secure when they are cycling in the city. To solve
problem, the government should tackle
problem as soon as possible by improving the traffic law and reconstructing the transportation in the country.
For instance
, the main construction of the road in Thailand has no cycling paths, so it can be the cause of accidents easier.
, the government should build the cycling lens.
, they should launch a campaign which persuades the community to use cycling to communicate
they should examine the benefits of using cycling
of cars
as environmental, health and less costly.
is a quite big change which needs to take time in order to overcome
issue and
needs the cooperation of all the population and all organisations to make
happen. In conclusion, making cycling more popular should have good management in order to gain more confidence of
to use cycling by the government, in terms of road infrastructure, law and other facilities
as parking areas for a bicycle.
Submitted by boon.suchaya on

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