Modern technology is changing our world. It has advantages such as bringing people closer together through communication; it also has disadvantages such as destroying the differences between cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The world is changed by the current technology’s influences.
tendency leads to humans become more closer to each other, meanwhile, destroys some cultural differences between nations.
, in my perspective, technology has a significant positive impact on human development, which has more weight, than its negative consequences. Modern
have helped to overcome inconveniences of lockdown during the Covid pandemic.
, millions of people have saved their workplace due to them. They got a chance to work from the home, in self-isolation, because the online format of working became possible.
measure is helping to stop the spread of the virus
and save millions of lives. The most bright example of the efficiency of
measure is in Netherland, where lockdown helped completely stop spreading the virus.
, in self-isolation, without any opportunity to go out, human beings have received the chance to see and communicate with each other.
has had especially meaning for single and elderly people, who suffer in these circumstances more than others.
, due to techs, economic and business networks have not been disturbed, which have led provide humans with goods and foods, without any gap in time. Should be pointed out that, if the development of modern
was not at a so high level,
pandemic would be trigger famine. At the same time, in some cases,
close connection among humans could destroy borders between cultures. Social networks,
for example
, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, which are the product of modern techs, have the most significant effect on the development of
, counting mentioned positive influences of
, it is clear, that
negative consequence is not so crucial for humans’ evolution.
, it could be minimized by the government’s policy, focused on the cultural identity of nations. In conclusion, if compare advantages and disadvantages of
, should be considered the degree of impacts on humanity progress, which they could have. Currently, in my opinion, modern
have significantly more benefits than drawbacks.
Submitted by ospanovaalma7 on

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