some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Nowadays,a certain number of the public think that they have more options now compared with the past.I strongly stick to
point and we will discuss more in the following paragraphs.
, science and technology
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improved a lot
, it provides to choose enormous count in terms of buying a brand.
,most humans are not satisfied to continue on one item for longer periods and they are trying to change occasionally.
For example
,my uncle is really crazy about new cars and he used to change his car when a new brand car was revealed in the market with new features even the price is higher than the
Correct your spelling
one old
,there are several companies introducing the same goods on a daily basis or weekly use with different brand names and
would help the public to select the best one from a number of choices.
,even though, the education system is almost equal for some countries the school management offers to parents that they are providing various types of study materials which others do not.The current scenario is very clear that
Change the article
an immense
the immense
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number of methods for communities to take as much as they like to have.
On the other hand
,a certain
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topic,here the society feels confused to buy which one is the best among the options and
may lead them to opt for a stock which is covered visual appealing in a shop even the quality of the product is poor.
For instance
,in my own experience,I have purchased a cake on 20th January 2021 from a bakery because it looked delicious and drizzled honey over the cake but the taste was not scrumptious in fact.The firms trying to sell their device at any cost
they have options to buy another company output is good in terms of quality. In conclusion,there are more pros surpass
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cons on
,we can decide which stock is suitable as best for us while other compatible items available in the market.
Submitted by rahul.gauri00 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • overwhelmed
  • decision fatigue
  • paralysis by analysis
  • consumerism
  • globalization
  • personal autonomy
  • market saturation
  • option overload
  • decision-making process
  • psychological well-being
  • buyer's remorse
  • customization
  • trade-offs
  • minimalism
  • information superhighway
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