You are not happy with the course you are doing at college and would like to change to a different course. Write a letter to the college director requesting to change your course. You should include details about: -What course are you doing now -Why you are not satisfied with that course -what course would you like to change to

Dear Sir, I am writing to you regarding subjects that I would like to change due to the lack of my understanding about the prospect of
subject in the future. About my current study, I am currently studying History, which was inspired by one of my senior relatives, who has completed her qualifications in
she is unemployed after graduating three years from now. I am really dissatisfied with
course cause it is related to the past life of Royals and their kingdoms about their activities, which is mostly unrelated to the modern era.
,the chance of getting a modest job is extremely low after graduating from
subject in my view.
, I would like to switch to a business degree where I can gain some competencies which will benefit
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getting a well-paid job. I am awaiting your response as the mid-term exam is approaching. Yours faithfully, Ryan Smith
Submitted by toriqul1976 on

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