Due to globalization, communication internationally has never been easier than in the present time. Information can spread throughout the globe within a matter of hours.
, there is an argument whether international or local news should be concerned more.
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of all, it is undeniable that knowledge regarding the current situation at the global level provides several benefits. Particularly, It is commonly seen in the business profession that a fluctuation rate of the stock is influenced by the stability of major countries. Linking Words
For example
, the value of DWJ is drastically dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic which causes a huge impact on the overall global's financial value. Linking Words
As a result
, the updates regarding the world's situation gain high interest in recent years.
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On the other hand
, the issue is raised that the impact from it may not be significant as it is claimed. Linking Words
For example
, knowing there was a disaster in Japan may affect nothing to people in Thailand. Linking Words
, many people suggest that the updates within the neighbourhood are more beneficial as it definitely affects everyone's life if being ignored.
In conclusion, both perspectives have their own benefits and drawbacks. Evidently, Linking Words
essay supports paying attention equally to both aspects as both have a great impact that should not be neglected.Linking Words