Modern technology, such as personal computers and the Internet, have made it possible for many people to do their work from home at least part of the time instead f going to an office every day. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

day and age, many have an idea that working at an office is replaced to working from home by modern technology. In
essay, not only beneficial aspects but
detrimental one's will be examined.
To begin
with, it is undeniable that using advanced technology to work from home has some drawbacks.
and foremost, the most important one is lacking a face to face communication.
is due to the fact that people will chit-chat and meet via a virtual platform
as Microsoft Team, Zoom or Google Meet only.
As a result
, they might not have fully interacted when comparison to working at the workplace.
, increasing electrical expenditure in each household is a final negative aspect for
For instance
, normally, a nuclear family would pay 1,000
per month for the electrical bill but now they will spend more than 2,000
a month for it because they need to charge their devices all the time of working.
On the other hand
, there are several benefits regarding working without going to the office.
, having more effective of concentrating their tasks. The reason for
is that people will not face congestions on the road in the morning.
As a result
, they will not worry about travelling and can focus more on their duties.
, people will save their gasoline expenses.
For example
, 2 years ago, one used to spend more than 1,500
per month for filling their fuel,
, they can spend less than 500
monthly with driving their vehicle to shop commodities or 4-basis needs only.
, organizations can save unnecessary costs.
is because the companies will not have special expenditures
as parking rentals. As a consequence, all staff might get more salaries and yearly bonuses. In conclusion,
there are a host of negative sides associated with working from home. I am of the view that positive aspects outweigh them.
Submitted by OCCC on

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