In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?

Economies are steadily developing over the recent past with land in urban areas becoming scares for building homes.
have no choice but rather move to the rural areas. Whereas, some argue that it is significant to preserve
, in my opinion, if only the countryside is available
are not left with a choice, but at the same time act in the benefit of the wellbeing of the surrounding.
To begin
with, the availability of free space has drastically reduced due to the opening up of large shopping centres and malls.
For instance
, recent studies show that one new store is opened newly in a town in every singly month.
, when there is no room for houses to be built in city areas, it is obvious that
are prone to move into the villages and less urban sides to establish themselves.
On the other hand
, some argue that it is
important to take care of nature by not causing any harm through pollution and demolition through construction.
For instance
, oftentimes, cultivation lands are filled up to build new homes.
indeed is damage made to our mother nature.
, the more we see
moving into the countryside to build houses the more we would lose on our nature. In conclusion, it can be said, even though
are left with no options rather choose to move to the countryside, it is
important to be mindful and act in the best interest of society at large, by making sure not to create any harm to the surrounding.
Submitted by swadhi.sivakumar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Urbanization
  • Ecological benefits
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Sustainable development
  • Eco-friendly building materials
  • Green architecture
  • Government policies
  • Urban sprawl
  • Infrastructure
  • Smart planning
  • Agricultural lands
  • Rural areas
  • Population growth
  • Environmental sensitivity
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