Nowadays ,it is said that advertising can convince
to buy the products successfully .But there are some individuals who believed that advertising is a normal thing and do not pay any attention to them .In Use synonyms
,essay we will discuss both views of Linking Words
statement .
On the one hand ,the advertising is strong persuading Linking Words
for using goods .To elaborate more ,the company employ some strategies for deceiving Use synonyms
on different platforms Use synonyms
as TV ,websites and social media on the internet .Linking Words
For example
,the television illustrates eating ice cream near your family and your friends and Linking Words
it can make you glad .Linking Words
As a result
, it affects you to make a decision to go shopping and buy delicious ice cream .
Linking Words
On the other hand
,some of the individuals say the advertising is common and do not believe the advertising power due to a few reasons . One of them is the advertisement makes them boring and when they see it ,they skip it as soon as they can . Linking Words
For instance
,when the TV is shown shoes advertising ,Linking Words
off the TV quickly .Another one is too many ads .It means that when there is a large volume of advertising can be tedious .Use synonyms
As a result
,it cannot stimulate and anyone does not pay attention and do not purchase these products .I follow the opponents of Linking Words
view because the ads make me angry .
To sum up ,as I mentioned in the essay , advertising can deceive individuals to buy their goods .But another point of Linking Words
view is the advertisement might be boring and tedious .In my ,opinion the Linking Words
view is correct and I agree Linking Words
.Correct pronoun usage