Museums and art galleries are very crucial for the new generation. Like, it can provide a wider perspective of own culture. It is completely agreed that museums should present the art of their own nation as well as of a global village. In
essay, I will try to draw a conclusion with the help of relevant examples.
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, people can able to look for different kinds of sculptures, monuments and paintings. Above all, it represents the heritage culture of ancient folks. Linking Words
For instance
, it can boost forceful bonding with different communities. Linking Words
, pupils can know about different organizations without travelling to a foreign land. Likely, it is vital to portray ancient art of the different regions. It can help particular land to generate revenue and that can be used in renovating museums and in the same way expanding them.
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, a union should ask for permission before displaying other regional arts in the museum. Linking Words
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exchange will introduce diversity with the region itself, local people will get to explore the history and culture of another place without going to a particular state. Linking Words
For example
, the European king was started to colonize throughout Asia and they used the opportunity and took crucial jewellery and historical documents with them. Linking Words
, some countries consider their arts as national treasures. Linking Words
That is
, in a report recently released by WHO, London national museum has 90% of its arts originally from other regions.
In conclusion, it would be beneficial for the country and their population to know about different heritage cultures of other countries. Government should create more salons that are easily accessible for everyone, Linking Words
, they should be well maintained and untouchable.Linking Words
Dhaval S Patel