Using money in an appropriate way is a basic skill that every growing child need to develop in them . School and college should add
as the subject. ,Linking Words
Knowledge of Linking Words
should be provided to every child is believed by many people. I agree with Linking Words
statement and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Linking Words
To begin
with, the pocket wealth of teenagers are mostly spent on items like branded clothes , shoes and watches for just the sake of fashion as well as to show off wealth. To improve Linking Words
use the amount for effectively lectures regarding wage managing is included as a major subject. For more clarification here is an example, Oxford University add guidance of fund managing in their curriculum which guides students to allocate mobey with beat form. Linking Words
, it resulted that investment done by students help them in establishing their business in future.
Linking Words
, peer pressure is a Linking Words
reason for the waste of property by youngsters they want to get all the items that their friends have Linking Words
for example
if a student is coming from the luxury car in university is friends are Linking Words
encouraged to have a luxury car while they already have a car. , Linking Words
if teachers teach them about funding amounts in banks or other relevant sources. It ways can help and reduce wastage of funds
In nutshell, capital is the basic need of everyone. So it is a basic responsibility of every school to teach their students about using the amount in the best form can really help learners and Linking Words
to become responsible investors.Linking Words