Cohabitation is believed to bring huge advantages for young people since it enables them to fully understand each other before deciding to get married. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays the number of young couples living together before to even decide to get officially married has been increasing. The reasons for
practice are several and from my point of ,view it is a very good decision to make. In
short ,essay I will explain my personal opinion by explicitly the 2 main reasons about why it is a good decision and give some examples.
, it is common sense
that is
possible to truly and deeply know someone if you be on familiar terms with that person.
For example
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we don't talk wide and open about how many times we poop per day or where we leave our towel after the shower.
, the person who will marry you will be aware of it. Those little habits can build up or destroy a relationship
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and is better to perceive them before establishing an official agreement.
, the previous knowledge about how is
thing of living "forever" with the loved one gives confidence for the relation and pair are happier together. Research published in 2020, on the top of the pandemic of COVID-19, asked for 342 lovers cohabitating and 279 officially married. All they had to answer the question "Would you have married your partner if you knew his/her habits before it?" Among the
group 92% gave positive feedback,
, the
group had just 54% of the same answer. The investigators conclude that cohabitating is a practice that increases the chance of a happier relationship. And I agree with that. In conclusion, in recent years is increased the number of couples who cohabitate before
deciding on formal relations. As far as I am concerned, it is a good option and, as punctuated and exemplified above, it often ends up in a deeper connection between people, and happier and longer unions.
Submitted by genises.a on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • compatibility
  • habits
  • preferences
  • conflict-resolution
  • deal-breakers
  • financial responsibilities
  • domestic tasks
  • realistic view
  • emotional trust
  • deepening the bond
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