Nowadays it is strongly believed by some experts that music has a great influence on society. On the opposite, there is an opinion that it is only a kind of amusement and nothing else. The issue is rather controversial but, to my mind, the melody is more than just a type of leisure activity.
As for people who see it as a significant influencer, there are some aspects supporting their point of view.
, songs and melodies can help individuals to relax.
, after stressful work, a lot of them come home and sleep or cook listening to some classical music or
chillingWrong verb form
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thatCorrect pronoun usage
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assistCorrect subject-verb agreement
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to changeChange preposition
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their mood.
, these genres
are providingWrong verb form
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recreation to the community.
, several kinds of melody
as rock or hip hop can give people more energy.
why plenty of youngsters enjoy attending concerts and clubs. As for them, it is a chance to move and spend time with friends. We can come to the conclusion that musical genres can not only chill society but make it more dynamic.
, the kind of art improves memory. Possibly, learning texts
ofCorrect your spelling
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usual for children in schools or studying how to play musical instruments are not a waste of time because they can make their mind more flexible and smarter.
, the activity is useful for adults and
aCorrect article usage
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reason is the necessity of interactive work to prevent some diseases as dementia in older ages.
, some experts have another point of view and arguments.
, it is claimed by them that musical activities don't have a useful role.
kind of hobby doesn't help to build houses or obtain any vital products.
, it seems to them,
theCorrect word choice
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melody is only for amusing goals.
, it is not involved in any industry except show business. They say that all rock concerts, philharmonic or some other events where people play different instruments are in any case an aspect of entertainment
a reason why these opponents believe that songs can not be anything else excluding enjoyment.
In conclusion, despite
theChange the word
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great role in
amusingCorrect word choice
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industry singing means for society extremely more than just
leisureCorrect article usage
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activity for having fun. It influences a lot on the individuals' psychological conditions. As an example, musical genres can relax or give motivation for exercise.
why, it is often played in some salons during the processes of massage or during physical education.
, working with music broadens the mind
thatCorrect word choice
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highly useful for the brain. It is a very necessary part of living in the world.