IELTS Writing Samples Band 5

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It is an irrefutable point that not all people realize the importance of the natural world, due to their disconnection from their habitat and this is the main reason behind it, however, they can also become aware of it by taking some measures, which I will discuss in the following paragraphs with relevant examples.
Nowadays, more accent is emphasized on recreation zones for the public. It is essential for every urban area to have huge outdoor areas such as squares and parks. They would enable people to have places to recreate and relax. However, to establish them the government would need extra-money which could benefit to the health sector. I am of the view that, more outdoor areas need to be constructed to help the population to deal with indoor stress.
Many argue that it is important to invest railways between long distance cities. Other people believe that the money spent on public transportation to develop infrastucture. This essay will examine both sides of the discussion and give clear opinion about what I thought.
it is being argued that government should not expenditure on art, it should spent on other benefical public services. This essay, however, strongly disagrees with this statement . arts are the various practices formed which illustrate culture and history of particular nation as well as it can also generate revenue like othe public services
Some people believe that competation in our life is a good thing. While Other people think we should help each other, instead of competing with others. In this essay, I will discuss both views and my opinion at the end.
There is no doubts that , nowadays , some people spend their property recklessly . However, other people trying to save money for their future . In my opinion, i strongly agree that, saving money is an important and good thing for the future.
Undoubtedly, some folks notion that habits of a person who born with them effects their character and success rather than having a multifarious experiences in their whole life. In this essay, I will analyze my viewpoints in the disagreement of above mentioned statement in the upcoming paragraphs.
There are various perspectives about how should workers dress up in their workshops. While I suppose that it is crucial to look smart and normal in the office, I believe it is more important to focus on competencies.
Undoubtedly, spending life in rules is a prudent idea in the today's world. Some section of individuals notion that tutors play a vital role to teach the value of discipline, whereas others say that this is the responsibility of parents. In this essay, I will analyze both the sides along with my view points in the favour of latter statement in the upolcoming paragraphs.
The advancement of technology has dramatically changed humankind’s life. In this era, people can work from everywhere as long as they connect to internet access. This kind of advantages also bring benefit for children because they do not need to come to class for learning. In fact, they can also participate in virtual class provided by foreign schools or universities. Given the situation, the writer argue that these features of globalization are beneficial for workers but likely adverse for children.
It is obivous for every profession to have an retirement age, for example 65 years. Though some people claim that is biased for some professionals as their job could be harder than other workers. They insist that it should be at an more earlier age. I completely agree with this notion.
Health issues nowadays mainly the uncontrolled consumption of sugar is one of the main concerns that the government is facing now.. Many people shift the blame it go the government and should be responsible to its people conditions. However, there are people argue as well that it is an own's responsibility to be crucial in eating food that people must indulge.
In the recent years, protecting ecosystem is a topic of concern. Some individuals opine that humans cannot save the surroundings others are against it. However, I believe that people can protect the environment with some measures like limit to use natural resources, and by creating awarness. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will discuss both phenomenon.
Some individuals prefer to live in a house rather than an apartment, while others think that living in an apartment has more pros. In my opinion, living in a house has more advantages than living in an apartment because people can live whatever they want in houses,they can make new relationships and also houses have more opportunities.
As urban areas are full with apartments and buildings, it is important to have parks and squares in such places to let people breath and I agree to this statement fully.
Some people would argue that students should not use their mobiles in schools, others would say that students' mobiles should not banned at school. While using mobile will help children to call their families and take photos for lessons, i believe that using phones during the school day has a bad effect on student outcomes, because they will not focus on their studies.
These days, there has been a growing debate about mandating a set portion of individual earnings to charitable organizations. Many believe that this practice might create various benefits to society, while some argue that it leads to several drawbacks. In my opinion, I disagree with the statement due to numerous factors, which will be detailed in this essay.
In some nations university students choose to live at home with their family throughout their education, on the other hand, in some come countries many students prefer to go to different cities for university. Although there are a few negatives associated with preferring to study in another cities, I feel that the possible benefits would be far more considerable.
In some countries, numerous individuals are suffering health concerns because of consuming too much fast food. Hence, governments should impose a higher tax on this kind of food. I completely agree that this is the best way to tackle the issue of obesity and many health problems. What is more, people do not care themselves, therefore governments should solve this problem by increasing the tax on fast food.
Shopping is an essential part of our life. Large Shopping malls have been opened at a wide range that resulted in closure of some local shops. This action resulted in attracting a vast number of people towards the malls. In my opinion I think this is the positive improvemnt for all the customers.
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