It cannot be denied that television and communication services have made the world more transparent and open. Having said that, broadcasting criminal
for viewers had become a common
amongst many nations, which may have a positive or negative
essay, I will show
as to Change preposition
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why the drawbacks of the action mentioned above
outweighsChange the verb form
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the benefits.
with the positives, in many countries watching live
could have an educational aspect.
is because the steps and stages of
particularCorrect article usage
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trial often skip the common eye and
often believe that the
proceedings are similar to ones
showedChange the form of the verb
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in movies.
, an average household due to lack of education and exposure to
realCorrect article usage
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system is likely to absorb readily accessible and dramatic information presented in the drama's and silver screens, which is often not true.
, live
could support
in Change preposition
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Correct article usage
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publicsCorrect your spelling
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average scale of knowledge around the originalities of
justiceAdd an article
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Turning to
public access to the criminal
proceedings through live tv would be educational from one aspect,
may prove disastrous for the
in the trial. As a consequence of the above, if
that are being trialled are
publicAdd an article
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damage their dignity and future work opportunities, irrespective of the
's verdict.
, a man who is charged
sexualChange preposition
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and abuse will find it almost impossible to get a job, where vulnerable children participate.
is only on the premise that he was charged for
certainAdd an article
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crime, so there will always be a possibility of offence. Another one might be finding gaps in the justice systems to get away, thorough studying and repeated examination of the
trailsCorrect your spelling
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through exposure to watching
may allow potential offenders
findFix the infinitive
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flaws, which would allow them to get away from a crime that they might prepare themselves to commit.
In conclusion, in my opinion, benefits like public education
isChange the verb form
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outweighed by
lossAdd an article
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of dignity in the community
,Remove the comma
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and exposing justice's
flaws that
could avail to evade deserving punishments.