There are those who hold the view that endangered species like plants and animals is the number one environmental problem in our society today.
On the other hand
, some claim that there are more important environmental complications than Linking Words
Zoophilists and botanists believe that majority of the environmental issue nowadays is the depletion of particular species of plants and animals. The reason for Linking Words
that is
that there is not enough food to eat and places to live on. Mainly because of deforestation and turning the forest into commercial or residential districts. Arguably, trees and grass are one of the sources of their food and home. Linking Words
In addition
, killing them illegally is included in the three top causes on why another living organism like animals is declining.
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On the contrary
, some were saying that there are other valuable environmental issues that needed to tackle. Linking Words
For example
, pollution, global warming, and waste disposal are far weighed more vital in our community. In detail, air pollution has harmful effects on an immunocompromised individual Linking Words
as respiratory diseases and heart complications. Global warming can cause heatwaves, floods and droughts that are difficult for us individuals to survive. Linking Words
, improper waste disposal can cause serious trouble like infectious diseases, land and water pollution and biodiversity loss.
In conclusion, there are several reasons to believe that endangered species should be our top priority in environmental problems. Linking Words
, I do not hold the same view. I strongly believe that there are other more important issues in our environment that our government should focus on.Linking Words