In recent times, there has been a continuous rise in the screaming of students through examinations compared to through perioding assessments.
essay will Linking Words
discuss the merit and Linking Words
the demerit of curricular exercises.
Linking Words
To begin
with, examinations help to bring out the best in a student. Linking Words
That is
to say that, learners tend to put more effort into their studies when they know something is at stake like failing and repeating the class or not being able to graduate. Linking Words
For example
, statistics have shown that the majority of students only start reading their books toward the end of the semester as the exam date is being announced. Linking Words
, they thrive to achieve success by learning more things that can make them pass, which Linking Words
help them to develop intellectually. Linking Words
, without Linking Words
, the educational system will be easily flooded. Linking Words
For instance
, entrance screening exercises help to select lesser candidates which are academically sound and more eager to learn from a large pool of larger candidates. Linking Words
, helping to decongest the school with hardworking learners.
Contrary to the advantages aforementioned, one possible drawback of an exam is that it can affect the health of the pupils negatively. Linking Words
As a result
of frequent failing in academics, some pupils can become psychologically or mentally disturbed sometimes having the ideation to harm themselves. To illustrate Linking Words
, in a recent study conducted among the undergraduates of a tertiary institution in Nigeria, it was found that the majority of them who suffered depression agreed to not doing well in academics as the underlying factor. Linking Words
, without Linking Words
exercises, the risk of having psychological trauma is reduced.
In conclusion, the increasing pattern of assessing students via examinations have both useful and detrimental impacts on learners which have been highlighted above.Linking Words