Living a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problem, as well as practical problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people believe in immigrating to abroad country and speaking in different
in comparison their mother tongue, lead to various problems and bring some obstacles which I completely disagree with the statement. On the one hand, being in a situation and trying to live in a new society encourage a person to improve their
for example
, if a person makes a decision to study abroad, the atmosphere of a new university encourages the student to make an effort to improve their ability to communicate with the people in their
, mostly when native people figure out you are an international person, try to help you to reach your goal
as, if you are an international student, the native students give you a hand to work on your proposal and so on. At least, by the time will be passed, your ability to adapt to a new public and communicate with them
will be improved.
On the other hand
, not only, it does not lead to bringing some problems, but
, could give us various interesting opportunities.
For instance
, living in a foreign country could be
a great experience that anybody has ever had during their life,
, it brings lots of thriving for our lifestyle. to put it delicately, if you emigrate from a
world country to a developed one, it could bring various benefits
as grate carrier position, graduate from the best universities and improve the whole life by living in
countries. In conclusion, in spite of the beliefs that argued, living in other countries and speaking to their
could lead to some problems, it can bring a lot of benefits and definitely has not any obstacle.
Submitted by amirhossein_400 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • linguistic proficiency
  • cross-cultural communication
  • miscommunication
  • social integration
  • linguistic alienation
  • cultural dissonance
  • language acquisition
  • communication breakdown
  • interpreter services
  • language courses
  • bilingualism
  • multilingualism
  • language barrier
  • effective communication
  • cultural assimilation
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