In the current era, Many individuals are prone to give birth in their older age for various reasons. Personally, If individuals are at an appropriate age to have a baby, negative outcomes would outweigh the advantages.
, The main reason for having a baby in an old life in the developed world is in order to provide job security and gain a better lifestyle by generating a bunch of income. Linking Words
, giving childbirth at a young age not only provides a number of responsibilities to them but Linking Words
reduces the freedom, which allows them to hang out with their comrades and family. Linking Words
For instance
, from the medical surveys, 80% of mothers in an elderly life spend most of their time on hectic work due to lack of income.
Linking Words
, common abnormalities of childbirth Linking Words
as Down syndrome, heart problems and other issues Linking Words
as a result
of lower nutrition in pregnancy brings the most horrible effect which affects both mother's and offsprings' lifestyle in the short-term and long-term. Linking Words
, the ability to take care of offspring at that life significantly decreases as they are too old to carry their offspring and play with them. Most medical research shows that a large number of abnormal children mostly happened in Linking Words
phenomenon and mothers experienced losing childbirth before giving birth as physical issues.
In conclusion, Linking Words
generating income is a vital reason for some communities, people should be more concerned about Linking Words
since disadvantages affect either mother or children, which leads to physical and mental issues after give-birth.Linking Words