Several people have an opinion that to be successful in sports, we have to have talents.
On the other hand
, other individuals say that we have to practice more. Both statements are interesting and will be elaborated on in Linking Words
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, I think that natural ability is essential to excel in sports since our genetic identities significantly affect our competencies. Linking Words
For example
, children who are born with flexible bodies tend to have an easier experience in outdoor exercises. Meanwhile, kids with high cognitive abilities have smooth journeys in their schools. Linking Words
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skill can not stand alone as it is only defined as the potential to do certain things with less difficulty. Linking Words
, I think that having a talent does not mean that we will instantly become good people in physical activities.
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, in my opinion, training is significant in achieving our goals because they make our techniques perfect. Some types of exercises Linking Words
make our bodies used to do specific movements, Linking Words
as throwing a ball or jumping. Linking Words
For example
, high school students who have played basketball a lot have more chance of getting higher scores since they are able to dribble the ball correctly. Linking Words
, exercises would be formidable challenges if we did not have the basic capabilities to do them. To illustrate, a student with natural competencies would master a move in 10 hours, while a normal learner must learn for more than 40 hours. In short, our actions would be harder without the help of our genetic capacities.
To summarize, talents are needed to make our initiatives easier, while practices are effective ways to be a successful person. Linking Words
, I have a strong agreement that we ought to have both of them. So, people who want to have great careers in sport must have a clear understanding of their talents and do progressive training.Linking Words