Mass media is considered the fourth pillar of democracy for reporting the truth. But nowadays public think that the media should not report details of any crime to the public. In fact, I agree with
statement for two main reasons. Linking Words
and foremost, many big news houses publish misinformation about a particular crime. Linking Words
As a result
, it can lead to negative repercussions. Editors and journalists, to get public attention, can publish/broadcast manipulative articles/news about particular wrongdoing without having any factual information on it. Linking Words
For instance
, many publishing houses publicize the religion and caste of a criminal; Linking Words
as a result
, it can generate hate for a particular community. Linking Words
can instigate religious riots, because of which there can be severe law and order issues. Linking Words
, reporting Linking Words
crimes publicly can Linking Words
negatively impact minors. Watching and registering dark and heinous crimes can have a negative psychological impact on their impressionable minds. Linking Words
As a result
, it can scare them or put them in depression. Linking Words
could Linking Words
force them to commit violence. Linking Words
For instance
, to look cool and become famous, many children can repeat the actions they view on television because, at Linking Words
a young age, most pupils are naive and do not know the difference between what is right or wrong. To conclude, misinformation spread by various news outlets and unwanted effects of these kinds of broadcastings on the mental health of children are the main reasons why I agree with people who think that media should not report details of the crime to the public.Linking Words