In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

It is true that families should have their own
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of paying rent for housing. In my perspective, I reckon that
is a positive development because the future is uncertain and people should be responsible for their adolescent's future because home is a starting stage of their lives which can facilitate them to grow in the same environment with their parents and grandparents.
trend help to save money, and I will clarify my viewpoint in the forthcoming paragraphs. To commence with the view that in some nations, guardians prefer to have their own apartment as compared to paying for housing because it is important for their coming stars and parents. To elaborate, if people have a building to live so it can be easier for their coming stars because children get emotionally and physically attached to the homes as well with the neighbourhood where they live.
For example
, a survey conducted by a researcher that 50% of pupils tend to believe having their own house aid them to keep healthy, active and confident.
As a result
vast majority of the population preferred to live in their own accommodation.
strengthening the views that own housing can have plenty of benefits like it enables to make individuals working life easier. To explicate, if masses have own flats to live so it will put a positive effect on their working environment as compared getting a tough life because changing home like a house on rent is not child's play.
For example
, a survey was conducted by the department of housing, in Canada, 50% of dwellers pay half of their incomes on housing.
, owning a home rather than spending too much on rental houses is fruitful for everyone. In conclusion, from my viewpoint, I reckon that it is remarkably crucial to have an own house for living because it not only helps to save money but
provide assistance to connect much of our feelings with it.
Submitted by ankeshsaini100 on

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