Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing (for example, through cellphone tracking and security cameras). In many cases, the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

has been impacted new communities and some devices have the ability to record all scenes and voices. Most humans are not aware that they are being monitored and tracked. While there are some drawbacks associated with increasing
, I believe the main benefits are more substantial. On the one hand, a primary advantage of inventing new devices is that helping us to prevent crimes during the absence. These modern instruments are able to record and store data.
For example
,In Iran, the street crime rate has been increased during the
decade and the police were unable to arrest them and after proving their fault, punish them.
, when police started to use modern instruments due to progress
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in technology
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some changes have happened and the rate of breaking the law saw a significant fall.
In addition
, using security cameras in most public places is less likely
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to burglarize
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shoplifting is reduced in supermarkets too.
On the other hand
, a potential disadvantage of monitoring situations due to boosting
may be disturbing for some special people. some people misuse it to spoil other's life.
For instance
, the pictures are taken by mobile phones of celebrities in private situations can be shared on social media quickly
the situation is compounded by the fact that
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photos are being edited to misunderstanding
they would feel depressed and commit suicide. In conclusion, it is true that increasing
to control communities would seem disadvantageous under certain circumstances.
, in my view, its positive effects in terms of decreasing crime override the disadvantages.
Submitted by boreirikimia on

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