Some people think that it is good to be ambitious. How important is it to be ambitious? Do you think it’s a good characteristic?

has always been accepted by a part of the population as a positive characteristic.
, I opine that
it could be important to achieve aims it is negative because blinds empathy and responds to selfish conduct.
essay will explain my view as well as the importance of being an ambitious person.
, despite disagreeing with the current idealization of
in our society I should recognize that sometimes it is essential to go out of our comfort zone.
For example
, if someone does not have an ambitious attitude during their work-life likely will remain in the same position for ages with no economic increments or professional challenges.
, I consider it as an energy injection to push ourselves to estipulate goals.
On the other hand
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while it encourages people to work hard for their objectives,
makes them forget about the well-being of others very often. In
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it is lucid to see many people doing whatever they can to achieve what they want even though it affects other. Why? because their needs seem more important to them than others. An example of
has seemed during competitions, some individuals hurt or sabotage others just to obtain the
place. These circumstances are an absolute shame and support the negative view of
. To conclude,
, albeit in some situations is necessary, is actually negative and could impulse to act wrongly. Many examples elucidate
perspective and support the idea
that is
an egocentric method to be successful.
Submitted by gabrielapineros on

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