The advantages and disadvantages of studying/working abroad for period of time

It has been observed that
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an increasing number of people nowadays travel abroad for higher studies or employment.
trend has merits as well as demerits which will discuss below. Embark, there are myriad benefits to staying or working abroad. The foremost one is, the overall development of people is increased.
means, that students may get the opportunity to interact with various individuals across the world which improves their communication skills. They can learn other languages and adopt the new culture.
, mankind can make their future bright.
is to state that, Individuals will get a high-quality education and better job placements. They can get
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an international
exposure which enhances their cognizance. For an instance, Sundar Pichai the CEO of
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reveals that the main reason behind his success was
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international experience which helped him to get a managerial job at the well-known company Google.
, there are a few disadvantages that can not be overlooked.
, it affects family relationships. It is true that the thousands of people who are migrating to various countries do not get enough time to spend with their loved ones.
will create a distance between the relatives.
, they can not able to help their family members in
an emergency situations
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emergency situations
an emergency situation
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. As
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it would be extremely arduous to migrate from one nation to another in early times because it may cost a huge amount.
For example
, according to the news report of BBC channel, in corona pandemic around fifty per cent of travellers paid double amount for tickets to reach their home countries. In conclusion, notwithstanding there are a few cons
as deceased the bond between family members the pros like it helps students to achieve standard education and make their future bright are logically acceptable.
Submitted by dipendharmani786 on

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