IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some students of university goes to company for part-time job without salary, this is also supported by the education system and universitites. This essay will discuss both benefits and the drawbacks of this concept.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that undergraduate students prefer to have a gap year or even years, fulfilling their interests in travelling and gaining personal money, rather than applying directly to the h
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged that undergraduate students prefer to have a gap year or even years, fulfilling their interest in travelling and gaining personal money, rather than applying directly to higher
These days, for relations between industries, universities, and colleges, so students must spend the amount of time at manufacturers without income. While there are some drawbacks of internships, I still believe that ca
Now a days, children have versatile opportunities to opt after schooling. I think young one who completed their schooling and take a break for some period have more advantages rather than its drawbacks. In this essay I w
in this modern world, there are a lot of students working in the company for short period of time without a salary part of program education this now. I see regulation that has several positive benefits which is to must
Several students tend to find a part-time job without expectation of salary as a section of their education. There are some benefits and drawbacks which in my point of view its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Nowadays citizens have an opinion that high school graduates have to work or travel first rather than going to university. This essay will give both perspectives on benefits and drawbacks of this statement.
Students tend to take a gap year after their schooling prior to joining the university. There are several merits and demerits to this phenomenon which shall be discussed in the following passages.
These days internship is a part of students' curriculum and they receive no payment in return. I believe, although there are a number of drawbacks involved in this trend, the benefits accruing to students are by no means
Before attending university, there is a trend of going to travel or working for an amount of time. This writer believes that by having a gap year, students could gain practical experience as well as a relaxing moment for
Before attending to university, there is a trend of going travel or working for an amount of time. This writer believes that by having a gap year, students could grain practical experience as well as a relax moment for t
In today's era, some students who graduate from school want to travel or work for a period of time rather than going immediately to university. This action has some pros that will outweigh the cons. This essay intends to
In today's era, some students who graduate from school want to travel or work for a period of time rather than going immedately to university. This action has some pros that will outweigh the cons. This essay intends to
It's a perfect thought to choose trveling or working for a brief session before continuing their studies in university.
nowadays, many of students do on job training at the company for short term without salary. in this essay will elaborte the drawbacks and benefit. Despite, I believe the advantages will dominate the disadvantages.
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of unpaid internships. While some people believe that young people should only focus on their studies, I would argue that they should go through a free internsh
In the midst of change , it is very common tendency to take a year gap to explore new places or do a job to gain experience . There is a range of conflicting arguments related to the assertion . The society has been divi
Nowadays, in different part of the world, some graduates choose to work or take a trip for a period of time before going to university. Although this action has some benefits for students, in my opinion the drawbacks out
After finishing high school, some students prefer to take a gap year traveling or working, before starting their studies at university. This essay attempts to shed light on both the merits and demerits of this tendency b
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