It is often argued that authorities ought to invest money in rails
of roads. I vehemently Linking Words
with the statement and Verb problem
essay will propound my accordance with Credible examples.
Linking Words
To begin
with, there are myriad points behind my agreement. The first and most prominent one is that railways would help to cut down Carbon dioxide emissions. To elucidate Linking Words
, the Construction of railways will reduce not only the Consumption of fossil fuels but Linking Words
the number of private vehicles, which are responsible for environmental pollution as well. Linking Words
for instance
, a Survey conducted by ILO in 2015 in the UK, revealed that on average, 43% of total greenhouse Linking Words
gases emission
are caused by private vehicles. Fix the agreement mistake
gas emissions
, it is inevitable that governments should construct more rail paths so that the number of publicly owned cars can be curbed.
Are there any other reasons behind Linking Words
? Certainly, there are. The building of rails will be helpful to the masses as it might act as time-saving transportation. To decipher Linking Words
, trains are one of the fastest methods of transport Linking Words
as well as
there is no interruption on the way of rails like roads. If a worker stucks in a traffic jam, he/she will not be able to reach his office on time, which might create an adverse impact on his career. Linking Words
for example
, a large number of personnel Linking Words
fired every year because of their unpunctuality. Wrong verb form
, the Construction of more train pathways will make Linking Words
way of transportation convenient for all classes of people, particularly Job holders.
Linking Words
To conclude
, in spite of the fact that road transportation is important in terms of transporting goods and passengers , railways are more suitable for our environment Linking Words
as well as
bring a plethora of advantages to us. Linking Words
, I believe that governments should more focus on rail lines rather than roads.Linking Words