It is true that nowadays a particular part of society would better ask for advice for health issues than having an examination by a doctor.
there are a number of reasons for Linking Words
occurring, I believe that it is a negative change.
With regard to the attendance at medical institutions, now people are afraid of seeing a great deal of money in their bills for a visit made to the doctor. Linking Words
In other words
, the amount of money which goes into medical care is noticeably higher when compared with a decade ago. Linking Words
For instance
, dentists Linking Words
in particular
regions require roughly twice more for their work than ten years ago. Linking Words
, in our full work Linking Words
individuals really appreciate their time. The public considers that it is unnecessary to have any examinations because doctors usually tell about ways of treatment that folk already uses.
Nowadays, the major part of society does not have any health checks if there are no symptoms. Add a comma
, in the past Linking Words
kind of check was obligatory and everyone has been doing it on regular basis. Linking Words
As a result
, the rate of public well-being was higher because most serious illnesses were recorded in the beginning stage and prevented on time. Another consequence of today's method is that infectious illnesses spread rapidly. The majority of diseases share similarities in symptoms, so a great number of people treat it at home thinking that it is a simple cold, while it may be a contagious illness. Linking Words
For example
, in times of Linking Words
many people got treatment at home resulting in the spread of Add a comma
disease among their close persons.
In conclusion, Linking Words
in our days there is a lack of money and time for many individuals in Linking Words
busy world, I believe that the health of a person is much more important.Linking Words