Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

There is currently a contentious argument over whether or not the extinction of plants and animals is one of the main environmental issues.
it is important to preserve endangered species, I firmly believe that there are other obvious environmental crises that need to be addressed.
essay will not only shed light on both perceptions but
my point of view will be elaborated in the conclusion. Commencing with the
nation, there are myriad things to be shared in its favour.
, the loss of biodiversity is due to the cutting down of trees on a large scale. To elucidate
, Some species of plants and animals have already extinct while others remain endangered.
is because of the loss of their habitat and
should be overcome as soon as possible.
For instance
, the New York Times reported in March 2016 that white elephants in Africa, are on the verge of extinction due to deforestation. For
reason, America has launched a campaign in Africa to minimize deforestation to protect wildlife.
, many scientists believe that increase in air pollution due to
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the emission
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of harmful gases from motor vehicles is the most prominent problem of the day.
is due to an increase in the number of privately owned cars which release Carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the air causing an increase in the earth's temperature.
For example
, a recent study run by an Oxford professor found the temperature of the UK has increased by 8% due to the growth in car
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. In conclusion, according to my perspective, environmental pollution is
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serious problem than preserving rare species.
, the government should overcome
Submitted by fatihairshad86683 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • extinction
  • habitat loss
  • ecosystem
  • food chain
  • imbalance
  • interconnected
  • climate change
  • pollution
  • personal actions
  • policy changes
  • education
  • awareness
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