Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your opionion.

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A few individuals have a notion that marketing greatly influences our purchases, whereas others believe, that
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nowadays do not focus on an advertisement, because it has become widespread. Marketing significantly dominates buyers' behaviour in indirect and direct ways. In
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essay, how advertising is still responsible for alterations in
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's buying behaviour, is discussed. In the modern world, advertising dominates our behaviour for the purchase of an item.
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we do not notice many of the posters and banners, they still subconsciously make an impact on our minds.
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, social media make it easy for
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marketing personnel to target their advertisements to the specific
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they want to sell their products
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for example
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- any website we visit nowadays
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is filled with images of products and links to items we searched online or wanted to buy.
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way they deliberately spam with the product they wanted us to buy, and most of the time
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end up buying it.
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, other folks, consider advertisements are now abundantly common and do not make any connections with the purchase we make.
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, Some marketing posters are designed in an utterly complicated way, particularly the launch of a new product, that we do feel to show our interest in.
For instance
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- big banners on roadsides, always show something is coming soon, which we missed out on in later days, because of our busy lifestyle.
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, that advertisement does not motivate our purchase. In summary, my view is that an advertisement can be useful if done in the right way, and to the specific
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who are really in need of that thing.
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abandoned most
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of the
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marketing material they feel
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is complicated
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or does not interest them.

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